Articles | Volume 370
11 Jun 2015
 | 11 Jun 2015

A process-based analysis of the suitability of copula types for peak-volume flood relationships

J. Szolgay, L. Gaál, S. Kohnová, K. Hlavčová, R. Výleta, T. Bacigál, and G. Blöschl

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A regional look at the selection of a process-oriented model for flood peak/volume relationships
Ján Szolgay, Ladislav Gaál, Tomáš Bacigál, Silvia Kohnová, Kamila Hlavčová, Roman Výleta, and Günter Blöschl
Proc. IAHS, 373, 61–67,,, 2016
Short summary
A European Flood Database: facilitating comprehensive flood research beyond administrative boundaries
J. Hall, B. Arheimer, G. T. Aronica, A. Bilibashi, M. Boháč, O. Bonacci, M. Borga, P. Burlando, A. Castellarin, G. B. Chirico, P. Claps, K. Fiala, L. Gaál, L. Gorbachova, A. Gül, J. Hannaford, A. Kiss, T. Kjeldsen, S. Kohnová, J. J. Koskela, N. Macdonald, M. Mavrova-Guirguinova, O. Ledvinka, L. Mediero, B. Merz, R. Merz, P. Molnar, A. Montanari, M. Osuch, J. Parajka, R. A. P. Perdigão, I. Radevski, B. Renard, M. Rogger, J. L. Salinas, E. Sauquet, M. Šraj, J. Szolgay, A. Viglione, E. Volpi, D. Wilson, K. Zaimi, and G. Blöschl
Proc. IAHS, 370, 89–95,,, 2015
Storm type effects on super Clausius–Clapeyron scaling of intense rainstorm properties with air temperature
P. Molnar, S. Fatichi, L. Gaál, J. Szolgay, and P. Burlando
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1753–1766,,, 2015
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Understanding flood regime changes in Europe: a state-of-the-art assessment
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Selection of intense rainfall events based on intensity thresholds and lightning data in Switzerland
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Cited articles

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Gaál, L., Szolgay, J., Kohnová, S., Parajka, J., Merz, R., Viglione, A., and Blöschl, G.: Flood timescales: Understanding the interplay of climate and catchment processes through comparative hydrology, Water Resour. Res., 48, W04511,, 2012.
Gaál, L., Szolgay, J., Kohnová, S., Hlavčová, K., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., Merz, R., and Blöschl, G.: Dependence between flood peaks and volumes – A case study on climate and hydrological controls, Hydrol. Sci. J., 60,, in press, 2015.
Short summary
The design of hydraulic structures where storage is involved, requires estimates of flood volumes related to flood peaks. The problem was so far approached more from a statistical point of view. In the paper it was attempted to better understand the hydrological factors controlling this relationship. The suitability of various copula models of the relationships between flood peaks and flood volumes was analysed with a particular focus on the type and seasonality of flood generation processes.