Articles | Volume 381
Post-conference publication
01 Aug 2019
Post-conference publication |  | 01 Aug 2019

Contemporary gully erosion trend in the northern part of the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Plain: a case study from the Republic of Tatarstan, European Russia

Aidar Sharifullin, Artur Gafurov, Regina Medvedeva, Valentin Golosov, Aleksandr Dvinskih, Artem Gusarov, and Benedict Essuman-Quainoo

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Modern patterns of spatial distribution of the main soil parameters: case study of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Artur Gafurov and Aidar Sharifullin
Proc. IAHS, 381, 25–29,,, 2019
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Long-term monitoring of gully erosion in Udmurt Republic, Russia
Ivan Rysin, Ivan Grigoriev, Mariya Zaytseva, Valentin Golosov, and Aidar Sharifullin
Proc. IAHS, 375, 1–4,,, 2017
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Cited articles

Apukhtin, A. V. and Kumani, M. V.: Recent changes in the conditions of spring floods of rivers in Kursk region, Elec. Sci. Jour. of the Kursk. St. Univ., 1, 300–311, 2012 (in Russian). 
AIS SMWB (Automated information system of state monitoring of water bodies): Hydrological characteristic,, last accessed 10 November 2018. 
Butakov, G. P., Dvinskih, A. P., Nazarov, N. N., and Rysin, I. I.: Modern gully erosion in the east of the Russian Plain, Geomorfologiya, 2, 43–46, 1987. 
Dedkov, A. P. (Ed.): Ovrazhnaya eroziya vostoka Russkoy ravniny (Gully Erosion in the East of the Russian Plain), Kazan: Kazan State University (Publ.), 142 pp., 1990 (in Russian). 
Dokuchayev, V. V.: Izbrannye trudy (Selected papers), edited by: Polynova, B., Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 223 pp., 1949 (in Russian). 
Short summary
The paper presents the results of the study of gully erosion within the Pre-Kama region (Russia). It's based on monitoring (1984–1994 and 2015–2018) and the interpretation of high-resolution satellite images. The results suggested that the gully erosion have reduced. The main reason for the significant decrease in gully erosion was the increase in winter-spring air temperatures. The impact of land use, as well as erosion control measures was found to be less important.